Also in June we found another bit of inscription at the west end of the building (extreme zoom). It does not belong to any monument that we have uncovered so far. David Stuart, our hieroglyphic specialist, reads the two glyphs as MUWAAN-ni, Muwaan, a personal or month name, and AJ-K'UH-na, Ajk'uhuun, "keeper of tribute(?)". He comments, "Normally I would see these as the tail-end of a name caption, but they are oddly different in size, almost as if not meant to be read together. If not a part of a date, Muwaan could easily be a part of someone's personal name. The second glyph is a rare spelling of the common "God C title" for non-rulers, also used on the stone panel of Temple XIX (atop the little column of four glyphs by the right kneeling figure). But there it as a possessed noun ya-ja-K'UH-hu-na [see photo and reading].The Muwaan alone isn't enough to give a good i.d. One character named on the carved stone platform (the one with the stubby fingers) has Muwaan in his name, but as the first glyph in the caption [see drawing]. I doubt they are the same."