Eclecticism at Cacaxtla
By George Kubler
From Third Palenque Round Table, 1978
Photographing the Cacaxtla Murals
By Merle Greene Robertson
From The PARI Journal 4(2)
Mural Painting in Cacaxtla and Teotihuacán Cosmopolitism
By Marta Foncerrada de Molina
From Third Palenque Round Table, 1978
The Cacaxtla Murals
By Donald Roberston
From Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980
The Writing System of Cacaxtla, Tlaxcala, Mexico
By Christophe Helmke and Jesper Nielsen
BEARC Special Publication No. 2

The following images and photo composites are from photographs of the Cacaxtla Building A and Building B murals by Merle Greene Robertson, retouched to compensate for deterioration of the prints. The murals of Building A are on the structure's portico and its jambs. The "Battle Mural" of Building B is painted on the sloping face, or talud, of the building's substructure or platform. Other significant murals at Cacaxtla are along the stairway leading down to the subterranean Red Temple, as seen in these photographs from the Mesoweb/PARI Photo Database. |
Building A, The Portico
Entire Portico: Small (220K) | Medium (668K) | Large (1.2MB)
North Panel: Small (240K) | Medium (1.0MB) | Large (1.9MB)
North Jamb: Small (220K) | Medium (872K) | Large (1.4MB)
South Panel: Small (316K) | Medium (1.5MB) | Large (2.7MB)
South Jamb: Small (188K) | Medium (852K) | Large (1.5MB)
Building B, The Platform
East Talud: Small (384K) | Medium (1.1MB) | Large (2MB)
West Talud: Small (316K) | Medium (1.2MB) | Large (2.6MB)
West Talud Detail: Small (242K) | Medium (848K) | Large (1.4MB)