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Along the edge of the big limestone slab that covered the platform were hieroglyphs stating that on, 3 Ajaw 3 Yaxk'in (June 14, 709 AD) an event or calendric observance transpired under the auspices of Palenque ruler K'inich K'an Joy Chitam. It was the first okb'il of K'ak K'uh. On this occasion, future ruler K'inich Ahkal Mo' Nahb' III, then going by the name Okib', and his future successor Upakal K'inich "stood up" as role-players in a rite described by a glyph (also seen on the stucco panel from Temple XIX) of a bird with a fish in its mouth (Guillermo Bernal Rodriguez in Arnoldo Gonzalez Cruz et al 2002; David Stuart, personal communication).

(Photo courtesy of INAH)