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The avian-zoomorph on the right shoulder (figure 4d) is distinguished from its counterpart on the left by three stripes running through the eye and by three dots, which I believe function as a water symbol, positioned behind those stripes. Similar striping can be seen below the eyes of "Slim's" mask. I believe that this right shoulder zoomorph, like its counterpart on the left shoulder, is also derived from a bird of prey. Candidates would be either the osprey (Pandion haliaetus ; Reilly 1987:71) or a member of the falcon family (Falco ). It is a bit difficult to turn the overhanging upper lip of "Slim's" mask into the cruelly hooked beak of a raptorial bird. However, when one takes into consideration that the other motifs on the mask are a compilation of avian imagery, then the argument can be made that the mask depicts an avian supernatural and, as Joralemon proposed, the celestial level of the trilevel Mesoamerican cosmos.


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