Currently a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo has been directing a multiyear archaeological project in the Palenque region since 1996. The goals of his project are twofold: the detailed description of archaeological sites and landscape features within a large area around the major site of Palenque; and an understanding of the local history of intense and complex interaction between small and large settlements in the area. This is an ongoing project; hence the ideas expressed in the following articles represent our current views about the data, some of which will remain and some will undoubtedly change as the project continues:
Inferencias sobre el paisaje político de Palenque in época prehispánica, por Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo
Centros cívico-ceremoniales menores o "sitios de orden secundario" en la región de Palenque. Características y componentes, por Atasta Flores Esquivel
Caminos en las Tierras Bajas Noroccidentales: Sicix Bäbih en el Hinterland de Palenque y Chinikihá, por Flavio G. Silva de la Mora