These monuments are found on the Duende pyramid east of the
site center. Their remote location, half a kilometer
from the IDAEH guard station, makes them vulnerable to
clandestine activities.
According to the guards, the damage to Stelae 14 and
15 occurred on the 12th of December, 2003. The base
of Stela 14 was cut off, in an attempt to loot the
figure of a captive, once standing beneath the king.
The looters used both saws and chisels, badly damaging
the dwarf and cormorant figures and the feet of
Itzamnaaj K'awiil in the process. The sawn-off basal
panel with the captive was not hauled off, probably
due to its size. It was recovered by guards and is
currently in a secure location.
The damage to Stela 14 was also carried out by saw and
chisel. The target on this monument was the k'awiil
figure held by the king. This fragment was not
recovered and was presumably hauled off by the
looters. In order to remove the k'awiil figure,
however, significant damage occurred to the hand and face
of Itzamnaaj K'awiil.
The saddest part of this recent looting is the
uselessness of it. These monuments are well
documented and no serious collector will have anything
to do with them, let alone purchase them. Thus, the
looters will find a very hard time finding anyone
willing to pay the kind of money they are expecting
for this piece. Most tragically, their greed has
horribly disfigured two of the most beautiful examples
of ancient American art, highlighting once again the
vulnerable state of many Maya monuments.
 (click for zoom and caption)